Monday, July 29, 2013

Wait, what? I still have this?

Apparently things don't die over time. At least not on the internet. Was this page just floating around in cyberspace?


The pause from blogging, I suppose, is that I have very little reason to use it any more. Readers or followers are nice, but that isn't really a goal- never really was. Personally, I used it to get thoughts out completely, to reflect, like any other normal journal or whatever. Blogging was reacting to things that I wasn't able to with teachers or with friends- I like to say that my writing style and moral/belief building was due to this allowance of free thought and opinion, a "figure it out yourself". I would say that blogging has been a huge part in capturing my essence and identity. That being said, I believe I know who I am at this point and accept it and even like it. But. I. Like. To. Think. And the internet is a glorious (sometimes fascinating) place to think and reflect on the subject of humanity and moral and meaning and logic. As I am a fan of the Other, naturally.

So maybe I will try to be gentle with this one and ease back in. I was on Tumblr for a while and BOY, what a piece of crap that is. There's very little... thought or originality that goes on there. It's all just one big gloopy mess. Is it a great way for people to network or bond over things? Yes. But I don't think I've seen people get their thoughts out clearly on there, just a "OMG THIS IS COOL!!11"

But why? The never-ending question that very few people seem to answer. The question I always want to ask and desire to hear a proper answer to.

Compete thoughts cannot be made in such empty phrases.

Maybe I am just a fan of words.

We are our own patois.

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