You ever meet those people who claim they aren't racist or sexist or whatever and then follow it up with something that a non-something would never say? Yeah.
It sickens me when I hear someone saying things like the above. Or "I'm not racist, I have plenty of black friends." "I can't be sexist, I have a girlfriend. If I were sexist, I'd be gay." "I've got nothing against gays, I just wouldn't date them... No homo."
I don't want to get too into it, but this angers me and has set me off. The above quote in particular is something I've seen on Facebook by a family member.
My heart drops a little every time I see something like that. This guy is in my family. His offspring is my blood.
"I'm not racist, I'm married to an Asian woman" essentially translates into: Here's proof that I'm not racist! If I were racist, there's no way I could ever imagine sharing my bed with this "thing". You're still implying that there is something wrong with your relationship, something Other! But do you know what it is? Do you accept what it is? This statement (and others like it) preach the term "color blind," which can be confused for "tolerance" and "diversity" and other politically correct terms.
Here's a lesson that self-professed "non-racists" need to learn:
Color blind is NOT the same as racial tolerance.
Color blind is ignoring what separates us and pushing the issues under the rug. Color blind says "We are ignoring you. We are ignoring what white privilege has taught us to be wrong about your ethnicity instead of confronting that privilege and the brainwashing that has taken place for thousands of years."
Being color blind is NOT confronting racism. Color blind is ignoring it; and every minute you ignore it, you tell a person of color to shut up and deal with it. This is not the proper way to encourage equality. This is not the proper way to push for diversity. You can't just tell someone "You're equal because you have voting rights and can work where the white man works!" and expect all to be right in the world.
You can't push for something if you are refusing to acknowledge it.
Not everyone is born racist- but everyone is taught racism, whether they know it or not. Unteach it. Unlearn it. Do whatever it takes to know the difference.
Just don't ignore it.
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