Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Hello there, stranger.

Why, hello there stranger. I’ll keep this somewhat short:

I’ve always been a fan of blogging/writing and started in 2002 on the then-popular Xanga; I dropped off of it for a while, but have recently begun to take interest again. However, when I returned, there was a list of problems I had. My Xanga (which I had for five years, 2004, long time much?) had some posts that I really enjoyed rereading that brought me back to those days- but also a ridiculous amount of trivial, high school things on it. I saw a drastic change in my writing in content matter as well as style (huge, elephant sized changes in my style). I really wanted to get away from that and start fresh. I was thinking about simply just opening another account, but I wasn’t at all pleased with Xanga (starting to remind me of MySpace- yeck)- it wasn’t something I would want to keep or simple to use. (Speaking of which, everything is so damn complicated these days.) Lately, I’ve been shopping around for a nice blog site. Hopefully, this one will give me what I want. I’m gonna give it a good, honest test run. Cross your fingers, hold your breath: I’m easily pleased, easily amused.
If I do keep this, what can I provide for you? Well, hopefully I can entertain you. That can be anywhere from content (which is going to have a large range of such and such) as well as random thoughts and enlightenments I will embark on. Those are fun. I’ll wing it. Not picky. You get the point. And then maybe you’ll stick around. We can build a virtual campfire, break out some marshmallows, sing Kumbaya, and discuss The Lion King.

It is work time, however. Being a college student, I recently came back from a Linguistics Final from Hell, as well as a paper to write and another final to study for on Wednesday. I’ll come back. Maybe. Probably. Wish me lots of luck. After this, I’ll be sailing.

1 comment:

  1. welcome! you should stick around i hope you find it to be simple enough that it isnt annoying but detailed enough that you can make it your own
