Friday, April 29, 2011

Bad Things Come In Three?

So this week(more like past two days, come to think of it), that whole theory that "Bad Things Come In Three" knocked on my door, in the form of things breaking or just not working properly. I'm thankful it wasn't anything major. If it had been my laptop (Gandalf) or car (McGyver D), I would probably have thrown myself off the JFT or something.
  1.  I stepped on my favorite sunglasses. I know, my fault.
  2. My phone not only decided that it wanted to turn off the ear speaker (thus I looked like an obnoxious fool talking on speakerphone for the past few days), but the charger also decided it wanted to split from its wires. Yup. I had to pull a Jason Bourne two nights ago, shedding the wires from the rubber casings and twisting them around the little nubs. (Maybe that counts as two?)
  3. The water in my building decided it wanted to be defective, thus leading to campus turning off our water- and only OUR water- resulting in mass chaos from everyone. I felt so terrible for my residents- they couldn't shower or brush their teeth or (grossest part) flush their toilets for the majority of the day and the worst part was this was from 7 am to 1 pm, the time when they are normally getting ready for class. I had residents going to Hasbrouck to go to the bathroom and brush their teeth. Half of them didn't go to class because of it. The other half stopped me on their way to classes ("I couldn't brush my teeth this morning." "You know our water doesn't work?" "I didn't findout I couldn't flush my toilet until I had already went.") We had absolutely no notification. I'm not sure if that is even legal. Thanks New Paltz.
Sounds like quite a trip, eh? Quite exciting. And to top it all off, I planned to get some of my work done and I have not yet. I need to write about thirty pages of research in two weeks. Yay. Wish me luck.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Yeah, I did that.

Enjoy the new design and the tons of bullshitting that comes later. I was inspired by my color choices for the Academy Awards article. As much as I love the old one, I feel that I have grown up in the past few months- this really reflects it (books = English MA!), though I'm getting the impression from my colors, I should have waited till autumn. Or maybe I belong in Gryffindor. Wait, I'm a Slytherin fan.

I've also included some of the most important sayings I've found from a few of my favorite people- I attempt to live up to these every day (but probably fail).

Enjoy the numerous Facebook and Twitter plugs- everyone else shamelessly promotes themselves at one point or another. The nice thing about BlogSpot is that it's nice and simple, easy to use. I can do what I need to do quickly. (Insert dirty joke here?)

Would it be safe to say that I'm going to live up to my promise of new posts? Maybe. Blogging is much more handy and interesting than Facebook and I always enjoy seeing where my free-write takes me; gives me back my sense of style and place in the world as a wonderer, even if those posts are short and seem trivial... Believe me, nothing is trivial.

PS- Currently working on an idea for a book, but need to write a whole bunch more. If anyone feels like pissing me off/ screwing me over, you are welcome. But be warned- this will be put into the eyes of the public.

Monday, April 25, 2011


I'm alive. Been working on three fifteen page research papers (Holocaust: Maus, Spaghetti Westerns, and good old Quentin Tarantino). Ah, the life of a grad student. Should be back soon with some entertaining stuff, including letters to stupidity's population (not intended to ever be sent), reviews of random things, and perhaps stuff I have learned this semester. Also planning on coordinating this thing a bit more as far as aesthetics go. Yay.

For some insight to my life, I've been REALLY PISSED OFF lately. But I've been (mostly) humorous about it, because that's how I am. So you, reader, should have much to look forward to, reading-entertainment-wise. Don't be a stranger.

PS: Someone recently defined my writing as "really good stream-of-consciousness," which I'm both happy and not happy about. I'm getting compared to Virginia Woolf, but sometimes I really don't like Virginia Woolf. Maybe I'll go drown myself soon. Complete the circle. You dig?

Edit: Now just for clarification purposes, pulling A Brett Favre is simply coming back when you’ve retired or sending a picture of your genitals, with an intention of getting some, a via text message. Pulling THE Brett Favre is shitting on all the people who have stood by you for the past five years by going to the enemy and bad mouthing people. They all have very different contexts, so who ever you're talking to should have an idea of which one you're getting at. Just thought I'd clear that up because someone got confused.