Monday, April 25, 2011


I'm alive. Been working on three fifteen page research papers (Holocaust: Maus, Spaghetti Westerns, and good old Quentin Tarantino). Ah, the life of a grad student. Should be back soon with some entertaining stuff, including letters to stupidity's population (not intended to ever be sent), reviews of random things, and perhaps stuff I have learned this semester. Also planning on coordinating this thing a bit more as far as aesthetics go. Yay.

For some insight to my life, I've been REALLY PISSED OFF lately. But I've been (mostly) humorous about it, because that's how I am. So you, reader, should have much to look forward to, reading-entertainment-wise. Don't be a stranger.

PS: Someone recently defined my writing as "really good stream-of-consciousness," which I'm both happy and not happy about. I'm getting compared to Virginia Woolf, but sometimes I really don't like Virginia Woolf. Maybe I'll go drown myself soon. Complete the circle. You dig?

Edit: Now just for clarification purposes, pulling A Brett Favre is simply coming back when you’ve retired or sending a picture of your genitals, with an intention of getting some, a via text message. Pulling THE Brett Favre is shitting on all the people who have stood by you for the past five years by going to the enemy and bad mouthing people. They all have very different contexts, so who ever you're talking to should have an idea of which one you're getting at. Just thought I'd clear that up because someone got confused.

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